DIARY DATES! June & September 2017
Tuesday 6th June
7.30pm “50 years of local adult education” – with update on the Grey Friars history project – talk by Alan Skinner, former GF principal (1983-2005). Friends of the Museums, Lion Walk Church, visitors welcome, only £3.
Friday 23rd June
“Grey Friars, 2000 years of history” – Exhibition, hands-on artefacts, reunion for all with GF connections – Firstsite. Call in any time between 2pm and 8pm.
Saturday & Sunday 9th/10th September
“Heritage Weekend” – exhibition, artefacts and guided illustrated walk around the former friary grounds – followed by optional architectural tour of refurbished Georgian townhouse. GreyFriars Hotel 10.30; 13.30; 15.30. Free, but donations welcomed.