Introduction to this section of the website

What you can expect

The project set out to trace the history of the Grey Friars site from its enclosure to the present day. Many people have contributed by providing material of all kinds or by guiding the researchers to sources of information. All findings gathered to the publication date (July 2014) have been incorporated in the printed book.

However, as it is accepted that the book, although the most comprehensive enquiry into the site so far attempted, can only represent ‘work in progress’ this website has been developed to enable everyone with an interest in the site to keep the project moving forward.

To provide the core of the site we present a large sample of the book’s content, but it should be remembered that it does not represent all information and material received. It provides only a taste of the wealth of information available. To see the whole picture thus far, please consider purchasing the book and then check this site periodically to view any news and extra resources contributed.

To explore more widely please search the other sections on this site. And, above all, please revisit this site from time to time – and encourage others to contribute in any way which may help this community learning project to enhance our understanding of Colchester’s heritage.

If you can share any knowledge, guidance, memories, photos or other material, please use the ‘contribute’ button.

Sharing our local heritage

As an educational charity, we wish to encourage active participation in learning throughout life. Consequently, as well as the book and this website, we are keen to share our research through the provision of materials (mostly available as pdf downloads from this site) illustrated talks, guided tours and other activities to support your own learning. Please enquire through the ‘contact us’ button.